Terms of Service

Effective date: October 3, 2022

Date of latest update and issuance: October 3, 2022 (replacing the former version)

Please read the following Terms of Service (“Agreement”) carefully.  Your use of our products means you have accepted this Agreement.

“Alphas” or “we” means Alphas Alliance, LLC, with its registered office in New Jersey, USA. “Our Products” are provided by Alphas and described below. “You” refers to the users of Our Products. “AlphaScan account” refers to the account you register through “AlphaScan” or our websites.  Part of our services will be available after you sign in to your AlphaScan account. “Our websites” refers to https://www.alphasalliance.com.

The Privacy Policy and other business rules we posted are also part of this Agreement. Please read them carefully.  We specially remind you that according to your region and the version of the Products you use, we may provide different services, the clause of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy may not apply to the current version of the Products in your use.

Our Products

For the purpose of the Terms of Service, “Our Products” refer to “AlphaScan” and services (provided by our company and/or our branches, affiliates, or partners across the globe) in connection with the software products.

“AlphaScan” refers to software with functions of team and player profile recognition and administration and relevant internet-based value-added services (“Our Service”). We provide the above-mentioned services through free or paid AlphaScan software (“Our Software”), AlphaScan website (https://www.AlphasAlliance.com), or application programming interfaces (“APIs”) for third parties to use.

We specially remind you that we only provide you the software and service as tools. When using our products to acquire and process information, you should respect the legal rights of others such as intellectual property rights, personal information, privacy rights, etc., and make sure that you are authorized to copy, amend, upload, and publish the information. If you upload or publish the information without permission, you may infringe the legal rights of others and be legally liable for it.

Scope of Software License and Service

We grant you a personal, worldwide, revocable, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to use our products.  Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, you are permitted to install, use, display or run Our Software or use Our Services on your smart mobile end device, including but not limited to tablet, smartphone, scanner, and PC as well as other computer systems (“end device”) for non-commercial purposes.

Paid Service

You may need to pay for some services of Our Products.  You will acquire relevant services with the fees duly paid in full.  For paid service, we will obtain your consent before collection of payment.

Alphas could make changes to payment standards and methods according to practical needs. Some free services may become paid services in the future. If the fee is not paid on time and in full, you will no longer be able to use the service when we start to charge fees. The above-mentioned change will be notified or published on our websites or reminded during a period of time before you use relevant services.  The price of the products provided through the website may change at any time. If there is a price reduction or promotion, Alphas will not provide price protection or refund your payment.

As the software products contain information of authorization and activation (including but not limited to activation code, password, etc.) and are special commodities due to the risk of the information being revealed for others to open accounts, the policy on the return of goods without any reason is not applicable after the transaction is completed.  If no major quality problems, no return or exchange will be allowed.  If you have any inquiries or need any assistance, you can send an email to support@alphasalliance.com.

Registration and Account Security

In order to better use AlphaScan service, we suggest you create an AlphaScan account and sign in with this account when you use Our Products and service.

Please keep the password of your AlphaScan account secure.  You agree that you will bear full responsibility for any and all the activities under your AlphaScan account.  In order to keep your AlphaScan account secure, we particularly remind you of taking certain measures including but not limited to safekeeping your password, installing anti-virus/Trojan software, changing your password regularly and logging out safely after use, etc.  If your account or password is stolen, you shall assume full responsibility for all the consequences arising therefrom unless you can prove that it is caused by our intentional act or gross negligence.

If you learn of any unauthorized use of your AlphaScan account, please contact us immediately: support@alphasalliance.com.

Privacy and Personal Information

We respect the privacy and personal information of each user and will protect your privacy and personal information in accordance with applicable law, especially special law/regulation on data protection by taking necessary measures and complying with the same in collecting, processing, transmitting, and storing your personal information.  Please be sure to read carefully our Privacy Policy which specifies the way we collect and use your personal information, etc.

We particularly remind you that the information you upload may involve other people’s personal information or privacy.  We will not disclose such contents without authorization.

You understand and undertake that you will fully respect any other person’s privacy that you learn, receive or have access to from the information of other users and you will fully respect any other person’s privacy in the information you upload as well. You will never collect, duplicate, store, disseminate, spread or misuse others’ private information without permission.  If you obtain, use, sell or spread other’s personal information in bad faith, or infringe other’s privacy in any other way (including but not limited to harassment), you are in material breach of this Agreement.  We will be entitled to at any time restrict or terminate your account privilege up to deleting your account and we reserve the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement and demand you to bear legal liabilities.

Special reminder: As a mobile phone number is usually tied up with quite many functions used as tool for identification assistance, if your mobile phone number changes, please timely revise the relevant content of your account so that others may not clear the identification test by using your mobile phone without permission.  You should take precautions and deal with that situation accordingly when the email address for identity verification has a security issue.

Our Products will ask you for the following permissions during regular operation:

1. Storage: Having access to mobile device storage in order to read and manage team and player profile sheets, scanned documents and recruiting information;

2. Camera & Album: Using your device’s camera and photo album to take photos and for the functions of auto crop and exchange of cards via QR Code;

3. Contacts: Accessing device contacts to use the function of importing phone contacts and saving contacts to the device;

4. Location: Accessing device location to view people nearby, exporting scans via AirDrop, adding location to Scan Log;

5. Microphone: Using your microphone for making note via voice;

6. Calendar: Accessing and storing calendar information for the reminder function;

7. Cookies: When accessing our webpage (www.AlphaScan.com), we use cookies to provide you with the necessary services.

Permission will not be asked if you do not use these functions.  If additional authority is required, we will ask for your permission in advance.

When you use social networking services in Our Products, you need to set or adjust your relevant privacy controls according to your own needs to avoid risks.  In the settings of Our Products, you can control the display of certain information in the app, such as name, telephone, organization, email, etc.

Providing Services “As Is”

Our Products and services are provided on the basis of a currently available level of skill and condition.  We are trying our best to meet your needs and ensure the consistency and security of our services. But we are not able to foresee at all times some legal and technological risks including but not limited to service interruption, data loss, and other damages and risks due to force majeure, viruses, Trojans, hackers’ attacks, unstable systems, defective services provided by third parties, and government actions.  You hereby acknowledge and confirm that you use Our Products and services at your own risk, except as otherwise provided by law.

Information Push

You agree that you may receive information pushed out when using Our Products and services that include updates of Our Products or services and information on third party’s products or services that may be helpful to you, etc.

We specially remind you that if the information pushed out you receive is about a third party and not us, regarding such information, you should make your own judgment on the authenticity of the content and be responsible for your own judgment and act.  Except as expressly provided by law, we are not liable in any way for any loss or damage borne by you due to the content provided by way of such information.

Third-Party Services

In Our Products, we allow you to invoke services provided by third parties such as facsimile, social website or email services, etc. We only invoke services from third parties in our products through APIs and actual services are provided by third parties. For terms of use and relevant provisions, please refer to the terms of service, etc. issued by those third parties. We will urge third parties to comply with the applicable laws and regulations on personal information protection when they provide services.  We do not bear any direct or indirect liability for any problem of personal information protection that happens in your using third party services or loss caused therefrom and the problem or loss should be borne by you and/or the relevant liable party.

Content Generated by User

The contents provider should assume liability for any content (including but not limited to an image file, file information, contact list, team, and player profile information, geographic location, email, message, material, literary works, software, music, sound recording, photo, graph, video, data, user’s registration information or other information, etc., “Contents”), whether transmitted in public or in private via Our Products.  You warrant that you have the necessary authorization to upload such Contents.  If your acts cause losses (including but not limited to compensation, and attorney fees) to Alphas, you agree to fully compensate for the losses.  We reserve the right to review, block and delete the Contents or terminate the services pursuant to law.

As to the publicized contents, unless you notify us of the contrary intention in writing, and it is not against law/regulation on personal data protection, you agree to grant Alphas the worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable, and permanent license to use the same.  We may decide at our own discretion to use (including but not limited to reproduce, adapt, amend, create derivative works, and translate) and distribute these Contents.  Meanwhile, you authorize Alphas to file any action in its own name against any third party for the infringement upon the foregoing Contents and any of its derivative works and to receive all the compensation.  You shall warrant that you have the necessary authorization to grant such license to Alphas.

Notwithstanding the foregoing provision of reservation of rights, we will not necessarily use or distribute the Contents.  Furthermore, such reservation of rights is only applicable to the Contents you have publicized rather than any personal information or privacy that has not yet been publicized.  Unless otherwise provided in law/regulation on data protection, without permission of the right holder, we will not use or provide to a third party the unpublicized personal information and privacy.

You should be the owner of the copyright, or holder of other rights that should be had for using the services as to the lawful contents you post in the services.

Information Storage and Synchronization

1. You acknowledge and agree to store information relating to the use of Our Products into your own end device, which will occupy some room of the end device.  Alphas reminds you that you should make your choice as to whether to set passwords for using Our Services in order to protect information security according to your needs.

2. You acknowledge and agree that the information generated during your use of Our Products may be stored and processed by Alphas or its affiliates or service providers through their servers.  As Our Products can be downloaded and used by users worldwide, the servers may be located in New York or other countries/regions based on the need of providing the service, in compliance with laws and regulations.

3. If you use Our Products and sign in to your account at your end device, the information already stored in the end device if expressly confirmed by you will be added to your account and stored in Alphas’s servers.  Your account will be bound to the end device as a default status and you can unbind the account and the end device in the setting by logging out of the account.

4. When you use Our Products after signing in your account, any direct modification of information in the end device (if stored in our server according to the preceding section) or modification of information in the account via web end, will be synchronized automatically between end device and server in its lately modified form.  Therefore, if you are using an end device that is not owned by you, please be sure to log out timely and make the necessary adjustments to your settings so as to avoid any leakage of personal information or privacy of yours or others.

5. If there is a loss of information because you accidentally delete the information in the end device or server account, you could visit our websites and sign in to your account to restore your information.

6. Alphas’ system stores, backups and provides recovery of information based on your operation. You should read operation guidelines carefully to well understand the default setting of the system and adjust it at your own will so as to use Our Products in a proper way. We remind you that even if we will take the necessary measures to store and protect your data, you should back up your data on your own.  Alphas shall not be responsible for team and player profiles and other information you delete or fail to successfully store.

Code of Conduct for Users

1. You shall abide by local laws and regulations during your use of Our Products, and you shall not produce, duplicate, publicize or release sensitive information, illegal information or any information or material which a normal person considers immoral, including but not limited to the information:

Spreading obscenity, eroticism, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism or subornation;

Insulting or slandering other person or infringement upon other person’s legal rights;

Containing any other Contents which are prohibited by laws and administrative regulations; or

Other Contents which are in violation of the Cyber Security Law of the United States.

2. You shall not use Our Products for any illegal purpose or use the same to conduct any illegal activities, including but not limited to:

  1. Using Our Products to carry out any acts which may adversely affect the normal operation of the Internet;
  2. Embezzling, gaining illegal access to, or abusing other user’s account or information contained in such accounts;
  3. Falsifying facts maliciously, or concealing truth to mislead and deceive others;
  4. Publishing, transmitting, spreading advertising information and junk information; initiating, continuing or taking part in any speculation or illegal activity in any way, or utilizing telephone, network, and any other communication means to harass another person;
  5. Releasing, spreading, disseminating, storing the contents which infringe upon the intellectual property and trade secrets of others; or spreading or distributing or otherwise spreading any document containing any picture, photo, software, or other data which is protected by intellectual property law, unless you have corresponding rights, authorization or have obtained necessary approval; or
  6. Any other acts prohibited by laws and regulations.

3. You shall not engage in any activity jeopardizing the legitimate interests of Alphas. Unless expressly provided by law or Alphas has consented in writing, you shall not conduct any acts not expressly authorized under these Terms of Service during the use of Our Products, including but not limited to:

  1. Deleting all the information regarding the copyright of Our Products;
  2. Conduct any reverse engineering, disassembling or de-compilation against the Software or otherwise attempting to find the source code of Our Products;
  3. Duplicating, amending, altering, or mounting the information of Our Products for commercial purpose (including but not limited to any information in the Software and any information stored in any terminal device during the use of Our Products, as well as the information interacted between the client and server), or creating any derivative works or products with the same in any form including but not limited to using a plug-in, add-on or third party tool/service to connect with, disturb or affect Our Products and related system;
  4. Restricting, prohibiting, or otherwise interfering in or affecting any other person’s use or enjoyment of the services of Our Products (except for such safe and protection tools as parental control), including but not limited to releasing or transmitting any information or software in the following nature: the information or software including worm, virus or any other harmful function, or the traffic of which so generated may impede the using, sending or searching of information by others;
  5. Having access to or attempting to have access to Our Products by any automatic means, or violating the requirements of any robots.txt or similar documents in the related program of the software or services of Our Products;
  6. Using, leasing, borrowing, reproduction of data, amending, linking, reposting, assembling, releasing, publishing, and establishing of mirror image station of information and Contents of Our Products for commercial purposes;
  7. Carrying out any operation for the purpose of manipulation or distortion, making any rating or comment which may damage Our Products, or conducting any acts that may affect the completeness or accuracy of the services of Our Products; or
  8. Any other acts without the express authorization of Alphas.

4. If you conduct any of the foregoing acts, you should solely undertake related liabilities and we are not liable. If any damage is thus caused, you should make compensation according to law, and we reserve the rights of recovery of losses and demand of compensation according to law.

5. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Alphas from and against any losses incurred to Alphas arising from your violation of these Terms of Service, including but not limited to any claims of, demands, or losses made by any third party arising from or resulting from your acts, and our necessary expenses of dealing with related matters, such as attorney’s fee.

6. You undertake that you will abide by local laws and regulations, relevant Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy when using Our Products.

Intellectual Property Rights

You acknowledge and agree that Alphas possesses any and all the lawful rights and interests of Our Products, including any intellectual property rights involved in the software and service.

The information in Our Products includes, but is not limited to words, software, audios, videos, photos, diagrams, all contents in advertisements, the commercial information we offer to you, etc., which are all protected under copyright, patent, trademark as well as all other related laws and regulations. You are allowed to use these contents only when you have our authorization; no unauthorized reproduction, modification, or compilation of these contents or creation of relevant derivative works are permitted.

Unless you have otherwise reached a written agreement with Alphas, this Agreement does not authorize you to use the name of the software, trademark, service mark, logo, domain name, or any other sign with a distinctive brand feature relating to Alphas.

Limitation of Liability

1. Please directly visit our websites to download the installation program of the software or learn about any other safe downloading channels we have authorized. You are required to create an account and use Our Service through the official channels we provide, including the use of the software or visit to our websites. We are unable to guarantee the safety of your software, services, and account if you are in violation of the aforementioned requirements on downloading and installation. In addition, we will not be liable for any loss incurred to you or any third party due to your use of unauthorized software, service, or account.

2. You are required to use Our Products in a proper way. For the detailed functions and operations, please see the content of “Help” in the products. You may also contact us directly to obtain necessary help: support@alphasalliance.com. You will be liable for any losses due to your improper setting or improper operation.

3. You fully understand that Our Products will involve Internet services and may encounter various risks such as force majeure which may cause the suspension of relevant services. We will use our best efforts to conduct a timely repair, howsoever you shall be solely responsible for all losses incurred thereby, and we are not liable for the losses. Such risks include, but are not limited to, service interruption and disruption as a result of any of the following reasons:

damage due to computer viruses, Trojan or other malicious programs, and hacker attacks;

a fault takes place in the software, system, hardware, or communication lines of the terminal device of the users or Alphas;

accident, natural disaster, or governmental act;

users’ use of any services which are not provided or authorized by Alphas; or

any other force majeure or factor beyond Alphas’s control.

4. We will not provide any guarantee of any kind for any unpredictable or uncontrollable technical defect in the product, service stability, and any losses or damages thereby caused, unless otherwise required by law or regulation.

5. Alphas reminds you that you should export your team and player profile information and backup regularly.

6. We will not be directly or indirectly liable if there is any direct or indirect loss incurred during the period when Our Products are not available for normal use.

7. You acknowledge and agree that if you use a location-based service of AlphaScan, other users nearby might find you based on location. If you exchange team and player profile information with other users, you should act carefully in judging the authenticity of the information, and prevent use with ill intention or your own injury, etc.

Use by Juveniles

Our Products do not directly target any juvenile users. If you are a juvenile user and decide to use Our Products anyway, please first seek the consent of your guardian and/or another adult with guardianship duties and use Our Products under the guidance and supervision of your guardian or any other adult with guardianship duties. In addition, your guardian and/or another adult with guardianship duties shall be responsible for assisting you in correctly understanding the contents of this Agreement and other related legal documents in order to guide you to use Our Products in a correct way.

Notification of Infringed Contents and Counter Notification Procedures

1.  Infringement Notification:

As part of our intellectual protection work, except for the provisions of the Terms of Service, if any individual or group finds that any other user has infringed upon its lawful rights or interests by transmitting information through the use of our services, such individual or group (“Complainant”) may notify us in writing by giving us an official infringement notification signed or stamped (if it is a duly established organization or entity) for the purpose of protecting intellectual property rights. The infringement notification will include the following contents: detailed contact information of the Complainant, including the name, address, telephone number, and email address with a copy of the ID card, passport, or registration certificate; contents of suspected infringement as shown in this service for our notifying the user who manages the contents; materials as preliminary proof of infringement act;

a) Ownership certificates to certify Complainant’s trademark rights, copyrights and other exercisable rights to the Contents pursuant to law in respect of the Contents of suspected infringement;

b)  Specifying the contents of the suspected infringement which has infringed upon the Complainant’s legitimate interests set forth in Section a) above;

c)  The infringement notification shall also include the following statement: “(i) I am the obligee or I am authorized to exercise the rights; (ii) I hereby represent that the information contained in the infringement notification is adequate, true, and accurate, and I am the obligee of the statutory rights specified in Section a) of this infringement notification or I am authorized to exercise such rights. My lawful rights and interests are infringed upon by the Contents contained in the web pages which are suspected of infringement; and (iii) I hereby confirm that if anything contained in this infringement notification is untrue, I would be liable for such misrepresentation”.

2.  Counter-Notification:

If we remove your Contents or links based on the infringement notification, you may submit to us an official written counter-notification signed or stamped (if it is a duly established organization or entity). Your counter-notification shall be made in the following format including detailed contact information, including the name, address, telephone number and email address with a copy of the ID card, passport or registration certificate; the information, contents or web pages removed by us; materials as preliminary proof of non-infringement;

a)  The materials which can prove the legality of the Contents removed, including but not limited to the materials which can prove your rights to the Contents removed or that you have been authorized to exercise the rights to the Contents removed;

b)  The counter notification shall also include the following statement: “(i) I am the obligee or I am authorized to exercise the rights; (ii) I have the right or am authorized to provide or release the information or Contents removed; I hereby represent that the information contained in the counter-notification is adequate, true and accurate, and I am the obligee of the statutory rights specified in Section a) of the counter-notification or I am authorized to exercise such rights; and (iii) I hereby confirm that if anything contained in this counter-notification is untrue, I would be liable for such misrepresentation”.

3. Please send the foregoing materials and your contact information to support@alphasalliance.com or to the following address and have the email named or mark the envelope as follows: “Notification/Counter Notification for Infringement Materials”: 9071 Mill Creek Rd. Apt 708, Levittown PA 19054.

4. We will process your request forthwith upon receipt of the valid infringement notification and counter-notification according to law.  You agree that we can copy the notification and attached supporting documents and provide that to a third party to find out about the facts involved.  We will also contact you on the matter via phone, email, etc.

Effectiveness, Term, and Renewal

By using and registering with Our Products, you express your consent to and acceptance of this Agreement, i.e. this Agreement will be binding upon you. If you do not agree with this Agreement, please stop using Our Products immediately.


We have the right to amend the provisions of this Agreement from time to time subject to the change of law and regulative policy and based on the need for operation and development. If such amendments result in a material reduction of your rights under this Agreement, before the amendments come into effect, we will notify you via reminder in a distinct spot at the interface of Our Products, website announcement, or email.  Your continued use of Our Products will be deemed as your acceptance of such an update.

Update, Discontinuation, Suspension, and Termination of Our Products

1. You may stop using Our Products at any time. If you want to cancel your account, please contact us: support@alphasalliance.com. You may send the email regarding the cancelation of the account via the registered email address.  We will respond as soon as possible within a reasonable period.

2. Our Products may be updated from time to time.  You may at your own discretion decide whether to accept the updates or not.  We do not guarantee to provide you with the latest updated services if you do not accept the updates, and you shall be solely responsible for any loss that may be incurred.

3. We reserve the rights to amend, interrupt, suspend or terminate to providing Our Products based on the actual situation at any time, which includes but not limited to the memory space obtainable to a single user, the nature and quantity of the contents uploaded and other data or the ability of the users on continuously accessing Our Products and services, etc. We will make a reasonable effort to notify you. We will provide high-quality services for you and there will be situations described in this section only under special conditions.

4. You agree that we may, without prior notice, suspend or terminate the services if:

1)   the personal information you provide is inaccurate, fake, or illegal/valid;

2)   you are in breach of this Agreement;

3)   you fail to make sufficient payment to Alphas (if applicable);

4)   we do so subject to law or requirements of the competent authority;

5)   other conditions upon which we need to do so.

5. If your account without a subscription to any paid service is not in use for successive nine months, we reserve the right to terminate such account (before one month prior to termination, we will notify you of your continuous status of not signing in your account and notify you that if you do not sign in within the following one month, we will terminate the account for use), in order to avoid any waste of resources. The losses (including but not limited to loss of information, etc.) incurred therefrom should be borne by yourself.

6. The account will be canceled upon termination of Our Service. We, subject to law and regulation, reserve the right to completely delete all information in your account, and we shall no longer undertake an obligation to you.


If any provision of these Terms of Service is held to be illegal or unenforceable by any court or arbitral institution, the other provisions shall survive and continue to be binding.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

1. The parties understand and agree to abide by the special regulations applicable to certain nations/regions as set forth in the Privacy Policy.

2. The parties agree that the governing law of these Terms of Service is as follows:

When you browse or use our products, you agree that you (and your act of browsing and using) will be regulated by the local and federal laws and you consent to the jurisdiction of the respective courts.  The parties agree that the relevant dispute should be first resolved through negotiation, failing which, it is to be submitted to the competent court at Alphas’s domicile.


1. All the headings used in these Terms of Service are inserted only so that the text is easy for reading. They do not have any actual meaning and should not be taken as the basis for the construction of these Terms of Service.

2. With regard to the amendment to these Terms of Service, change of services, or modification to any other important matters, we will make an announcement through our website or notify you via email, etc. Such notification shall be deemed as having been served upon release of the announcement or delivery of the email to your registered email.

3. We welcome your feedback in respect of Our Products. Unless otherwise expressly represented or subject to applicable laws, any feedback sent from you will be deemed as non-confidential content. You agree that we may, at our own discretion, decide whether to release or publish such content. And you agree to authorize us to use the same at no cost and to amend, adapt, adjust design or change related technical plans, or make any amendment as necessary.

4. If you have any comments on our services or the Terms of Service, you may contact us: support@alphasalliance.com, and we will use our best efforts to provide you with timely and necessary assistance.


Copyright © 2022 Alphas Alliance LLC All Rights Reserved